• Graduating Class August 2024 Pigeon Forge TN
  • Graduating Class 3-23-2024 Virginia Beach, VA
  • Graduating Class 2-24-24 - Temple, TX
  • Class 1-20-2024 Soddy Daisy TN
  • Linden, TX Graduating Class
  • 1-6-2024 Graham NC
  • Class of 11-11-2023 Old Greenwich, CT - Armed and Dangerous
  • Graduating Class 8-19-2023 - Rice Lake, WI
  • Class of 5.25.2023 - Deliverance and Supernatural Power Training - Pentecost
  • Chester VA - Class of 5.20.23 - Pastor Jeff and Kimberly Hill
  • Greater Works Ministry, Detroit MI Class of 4-29-2023
  • Graduating Class of 4/14-15/2023 | Hampton Inn, Cleveland, TN
  • New Martinsville, West Virginia 2023 - Host Pastor Tim Ayers - Armed and Dangerous Seminar
  • Graduating Class 3-18-2023
  • Hawaii Graduating Class 02-25-2023, Pastor Sai Amosa
  • Class of 1-28-2023 Armed and Dangerous - Aiken, SC


God is building an Army of Deliverance Ministries and Deliverance Ministers as the church is not ready for the end time harvest. 
First, the remnant needs deliverance itself. Deliverance and freedom from addictions, drugs, lust, pornography, anger, mental issues, spirit spouses, mind control, unforgiveness, bitterness and more. First, for the church and then for the great end time harvest that comes, they will surely need deliverance. 
Deliverance with Pastor Henry is a ministry dedicated to the application of Deliverance from demons and the powers of darkness.  Teaching the Biblical principles and application of the Word of God through Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit is our mandate.  
Deliverance and setting people free is the heart of God the Father.  Freedom from Sin and the Torment of Satan and demons is the message and mission of Deliverance with Pastor Henry. Remnant Deliverance is what God has promised in Joel 2:32.

Within this website you will discover many resources on subjects that will empower you to walk in freedom.  There is no shortcut to God. Read, Listen, Learn, do what you hear and the demonic spirit of Pharaoh will let you go!  
You will find links to "Deliverance with Pastor Henry" on platforms YouTube, Rumble, Facebook and more! Also, there is a radio station that broadcasts over the air waves and via the Internet around the world, the message of deliverance. See Links:
If you would like to Request a Speaking Engagement leave a contact email: Request Speaking Engagement Information

Mark 16:15 - 20  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
:16  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
:17  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
:18  They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
:19  So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
:20  And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. 


  • Burning The Devil's Tools - October 31, 2024 @ 6:30 PM

    It's Time To Stand Up! 

    Bring All Occult Items to Burn on Halloween Night! 

    Acts 19:19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.


  • Level 3 - Armed and Dangerous

    Level 3 Deliverance Training

    Scheduled for November 2025


  • Graduating Class August 2024, Pigeon Forge TN


  • Armed and Dangerous by Pastor Henry Shaffer

  • Interview: The Deliverance Process Setup

  • Class of 12-3-2023, Linden Tx - Armed and Dangerous

    Graduating Class of 12/03/2023 || Armed and Dangerous Seminar in Linden, TX || Trained 55 Elite Battle Axes || 13 Baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking in Tongues, now Powered by the Holy Spirit, ready to cast out demons || Thursday 3 hours of Mass Deliverance, Friday 8am -11pm Training, Saturday 8am - 11pm Training, all day || What a great seminar this weekend at the Lindare Baptist Church with host Pastors Michael and Teresa Kerr. Attendees assembled from all over the lower 48 states including Demon Terrorists from Alaska. || Miracles, testimonies, healings, praise, and worship. It was power packed. || I'm humbled by their hunger for deliverance training and I'm glad that Father allowed me and Fran, my wife, to come and spend this weekend in Texas. I feel the way when the Apostle Paul had to leave a church that he established and cried when he left! || That's me - Pastor Henry (I'm a demon terrorist) - Deliverance with Pastor Henry


  • Graduating Class - Old Greenwich CT 11-11-2023


  • Class of 10-28-2023, Cleveland TN

    Class of 10/28/2023 - Cleveland, TN | More Demon Terrorists | What a great time we had, Teaching and ministering on Sunday! Miracles, real miracles, 15 Fill with the Holy Ghost , Tongues | Sunday morning was Body Ministry, Prophecy - Words of Knowledge, and Wisdom. Then we came back at a 5pm, trained another 2 hours on nothing but Spirit Spouse Deliverance. | New, www.FRA.church check out this new connection! - Pastor Henry


  • Book Speaking Engagement | Seminar | Mass Deliverance

      Book us "Deliverance with Pastor Henry" to hold a Teaching Seminar? 

    Preaching and/or a Mass Deliverance event, revival, or Speaking Engagement? 

    Email to: Book speaking Engagement Information for Pastor Henry









                   Fran and Pastor Henry Shaffer


  • Conspiracy Conversation





  • Secret to a Supernatural Ministry